Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


U. S. PAT. OFF. Bourbon Business Men's Club, were in Lexington Monday arranging details for the special meeting of the club to be held at the Memorial building here Thursday night.

President O. C. Jewett, of the club, has announced that matters of much importance to Paris business men will be discussed at the meeting. Grand Jury Reconvenes Judge William Ardery held motion hour in circuit court here Monday. The grand jury reconvened morning for its final deliberations before adjournment which is expected to tale place late today.

Petit juries called into session Friday morning for the last day of the present term of court. Bourbon Briefs Emmett Edwards is seriously ill at his home High Mrs. Mayme on, Parrish remains ill at her home on Houston avenue. SUPPORTERS CLAIM ENOUGH VOTES TO ENACT BUDGET BILL (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) amendment was under consideration to raise, by approximately $6,000. the $35,000 proposed for Western Kentucky Industrial College (Negro) at Paducah.

This would bring total $24.083.687.21, compared with the 1935-36 total of $24.086.512.71. Vincent carried his fight to the senate floor late Monday, engaging in a word battle with a a administration senators, and declaring he would resign rather than submit to financial control of his department "by Dan Talbott." The attorney general asserted he would ask the legislature a "free hand" with his appropriation. and if the legislature did not grant it, he would carry his contention to the court of appeals. "If the court of appeals won't give it to me I'll said. Senator James E.

Wise (D), Elizabethtown, predent pro tem of the senate who was presiding in committee of the whole; Senator Ralph Gilbert of Shelbyville, majority floor leader, and Senator Tom E. Turner (D), Murray, voiced objections to Vincent's remarks. They said was taking advantage of an opportunity to make a "political speech." Vincent said he abandoned plans to run for the state senate and filed for attorney general "with the promise that I would be as free to operate that office as I would be in this body here." Supported Chandler Vincent worked for Chandler's election throughout the primary and general campaigns. "I was promised that I would help put a new deal into effect," he continued. this "I want for to publicly a apologize to body being public liar to the people of The attorney general said he had done his best to convince peopie that "Dan Talbott and Ben Johnson would not be permitted to run the state." Senator Wise interrupted to say that Vincent's remarks, in the course of an open discussion of the budget, Stays Ask About BRIGHT! CLEAN! The Washes TOIO The PAINT IVORY KOTE Fool- -Proof NOW Time Payment Plan Semi Gloss $100 ENAMEL QUaRT, Its porcelain- like surface WALL PAPER washes easily.

For walls and of a woodwork. dull rubbed Gives the finish. effect of fashionable Special 39c design qt. NEW STRIPES BLACK SCREEN PAINT Horizontal Vertical LINOLA Something MICKEY New For, The MOUSE Nursery VARNISH Other New Designs For All Rooms From 24c to $1.50 Per Roll FOR LINOLEUM 85c ALCOHOL PROOF pt. A clear and dirt-proof finish, SPECIAL A special purwhich is chase of waternot harmed by acid, fast and water.

See the test! 8c to 25c. gasoline, ammonia or boiling off proof papers. R. F. JOHNSTON PAINT GLASS INC.

Georgetown Sets Finals Harper Gatton Selected CommencementSpeak- er By Board Of College Special to The Leader GEORGETOWN, March 24- At the annual March meeting of the board of trustees of Georgetown College, Harper Gatton, superintendschools at Madisonville, was selected to deliver the address at the commencement exercises at the college June 3. Mr. a member of the board of trustees of the college, has served as president of the Kentucky Education Association and as chairman of the state text book commission. He is president of Kiwanis International. At the same time Dr.

Frank Powell, of the faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, was selected to preach the baccalaureate sermon. According to an announcement today by Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood, president of the college, approximately 50 members of the senior class will receive the bachelor of arts degree at the commencement exercises. Program at Davis School Royal Spring Council No. 168, Junior Order United American Mechanics, will present flag a and Bible to the Davis school at program which will be held at 2 o'clock Fridav afternoon at the school.

Mrs. Eugenia Smith is teacher at the school. presentation program is in charge of Dr. R. D.

Coffman and J. Johnson. Prayer Week Planned Mrs. O. R.

Green, president the Woman's Missionary Society of the Christian church. has announced that the annual pre -Easter Week of Prayer will be observed April 6-12. The programs, which will be led by the various circles of the society. will be held each afternoon at the church. Mrs.

Chinn Resumes Duties Mrs. S. M. Chinn. home teacher of the eighth grade at the city school.

who has been absent for several weeks because of illness. resumed her teaching Monday. During Mrs. Chinn's absence, Mrs. A.

R. Abernathy. Dry Ridge, had charge of the eighth grade. Mountain Conference Attracts Kentuckians Special to The Leader BEREA, March 24 The twenty annual conference of Southern Mountain Workers opened at Knoxville, today with Kentuckians taking a prominent on the program. Among those at the three-day session from Berea are Dean William J.

Baird, of the FoundationJunior high school; Helen H. Dingman. executive secretary of the organization in conference: Jerome W. Hughes, Earl W. Lockin, A.

Pruitte Smith, W. Arthur Hackett, Josephine Jackson, Vivian Center, Bill Lockin, Lily Bennett, Luther Chaney and Robert Hitchco*ck. Others appearing on the program include Dr. Stewart W. McClelland, president, Lincoln Memorial University; Dr.

Clovis G. Chappell, pastor, First Methodist Birmingham, Dr. E. L. Bishop, director of health, Tennessee Valley Author- Blind Man And Armless Man Pool Physical Resources CHICAGO, March 24 (AP) -Blind Thomas Howard Overton, 31, and armless Stanley A.

Kasprzyk, 32, were headed for a career in law today on a cooperative basis. How they pooled their physical resources was disclosed Monday when Overton, announced by the Chicago-Kent College of Law as the high ranking scholar the freshman class of 175, insisted that Kassome of the credit. Kasprzyk, he said, was his "eyes" -and he was Kasprzyk's "arms." Then met by chance their first day in school when the armless student guided his blind classmate down a flight a of steps. When they reached door at the bottom Kasprzyk couldn't turn the knob to open it. But Overton could.

Overton could carry books, but not read them. Kasparzyk could ity; Dr. W. C. Williams, commissioner of public health of Tennessee; H.

Combs, University of Tennessee; John Jacob Niles, John C. Campbell Folk school, N. E. Vaughn, resettlement administration, Washington, D. Chester Bower, University of Louisville, and Mrs.

John C. Campbell, Brasstown, N. C. Zoning Board Approves Occupancy Applications Two applications for certificates of occupancy. refused by the city building inspector and appealed to the board of adjustment of the city planning and zoning commission, were granted at a public hearing Monday afternoon at city hall.

The certificates were given to Haddix Brothers, operators of the Town Cab Company, for use of a building, a at garage, Second mand John Spruce T. Hawkins, who intends to remodel a residence at the southeast corner of Pine and Merino streets and convert it into a Negro funeral home. The board, holding that it had no authority in the case, dismissed the appeal of A. G. McGregor, who had been denied a permit for the construction of two three-story apartment buildings on a Kalmia- avenue lot.

The board agreed that Mr. McGregor not a simple appeal tronas the inspector's decision, but was asking special exceptions under the city building ordinances. Members of the board at the meeting were Grover C. Thompson, chairman; John G. Cramer.

L. B. Shouse, Thomas S. Scott, Ralph McCracken and Mrs. Katherine B.

Hessel. secretary. Missionary To China Speaks At Versailles Special to The Leader VERSAILLES, March W. H. Crofts, formerly a missionary to China.

was the speaker at the Baptist church Sunday night when he gave a lantern lecture on 1 The Y. W. A. girls of the Baptist church will have their monthly meeting tonight at the church. Mrs.

W. H. Jones, Georgetown, will be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Dotson are welcoming a son born Monday at their home on the Big Sink pike. The Eastern Star Lodge will entertain with a card party tonight at K. P. hall. Death Claims Silas Rogers Death Paris Street Work Begins Engineers Making Final Check For Contractor, Who Starts Wednesday Special to The Leader PARIS, highway started checking measurements for the reconstruction street from Tenth to Second streets here Monday in preparation the beginning of work Wednesday.

The Kentucky- Virginia Stone Company, Middlesboro firm, which received the contract after bids were made several months ago, will have charge of the construction. The new. street will be built to a general width of 32 feet over its entire length and sidewalks will be cut back to allow for the change. Street corners will be improved room for traffic will be andemore rounding curbings at these points. In connection with the construction the city will cause a renewal of old water, gas and sewer connections that now may lie under the present street.

Also included in the program of the city, will be an enforced proper connection to the sanitary and storm sewer systems and an abandonment of downspouts along the course that are at present not connected with the sewers. In compliance with the orders, the Kentucky Utilities will remove all old, leaking gas mains and replace them with new pipes. In cutting back sidewalks, the iron poles now supporting the "white way" and wiring will be set back from one to two feet from the present location and wooden poles will be removed, it was stated. The city plans to widen lower Main street below Second street and the approach to the concrete bridge over Stoner creek while the general construction is being carried Verdict In Slaying Case A coroner's jury impaneled by Col. Roxie Davis, county coroner, at the courthouse Monday, returned a verdict in the killing of Lucille Harris, young Negro woman, at the home of Joe Taylor, 80.

Negro, at Millersburg Sunday" night, stating that in its opinion the man fired the fatal charge from a shotgun "without knowing" at whom he was shooting "in defense of his home and belief let that his own life was in danger." The woman was killed in the house of Taylor after he arose from his bed and fired at a "noise" he said he had heard. It was developed in the evidence presented the jury that Taylor had been robbed on several occasions and that he was repeatedly being "tantalized" by other Negroes. All witnesses in the case were recognized under bond of $100 to appear today before the grand jury. Miss Ruth Snyder Dies Miss Ruth Snyder, for several years assistant superintendent of Massie Memorial hospital, died at home in Evansville, Monday after illness of several months. according to a message received here by friends.

Miss Lillian Purcell, superintendent, and Mrs. William M. Talbott, former superintendent of the institution, left Monday afternoon for the Indiana city where they will attend the funeral. Business Men Plan Meet Thomas J. Kiser, Frazier Insko, James L.

Gorey, Sam W. Shively and Logan Howard. members of the A Baby For You? If you are denied the blessing of a baby all your own and yearn for a baby's arms and a baby's smile do not give up hope. Just write in confidence to Mrs. Mildred Owens, Dept, M.

720 Hanan Kansas City, and she will tell about 3 simple home method that helped her after being denied 15 yrs. Many others say this had helped bless their lives. Write now and try "for this wonderful happiness. adv. Daily Freight Service Between Lexington Louisville Cincinnati Andconnecting lines to all principal 1 cities in the United States.

Union Transfer Storage Co. read, but not carry books. The logical association developed by mutual consent, Overton related. "I take notes in class with a punch on a Braille form board," he said. "Out of class Stanley reads to me and I transcribe my notes on a typewriter for him.

For each of us it is just a matter of working harder to overcome a physical handicap." When written examinations are required, Kasprzyk is forced to call upon one of his brothers to write for him. Otherwise the two "co-sufficient," han: dicapped students are they agreed. Overton, whose home is at Swanwick, lost his sight when he was 20. Two accidents deprived Kasprzyk, a Chicagoan, of his arms. He lost one under a train in a railroad yard when he was 14 and the other four years ago in an automobile fo wreck.

GEORGIA GROWERS SOLICITED TO SIGN STATESBORO, March 24 (AP) Voluntary control of Georgia's 1936 tobacco production was being sought throughout state today as efforts were to get two-thirds of the growers sign production control emade agreements. Under the proposed plan, Georgia's production would be limited to 000,000 pounds, equivalent to a 25 per cent cut from base production. Growing conditions at the present time were described as favorable. The agreement provides indirect benefits to the growers through anticipated higher prices or maintained prices tobacco. Unless formtheir agreements are adopted in Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, the plan will not become effective.

Mercer Countian Held In Lawrenceburg Jail Special to The Leader LAWRENCEBURG, March 24 -J. V. Gritton. Mercer county, is in the city jail awaiting trial before Judge Wilkes H. Morgan.

Gritton was arrested Officer John Tomlinson after he was accused of a .32 pistol three times in the Warren restaurant Sunday firing, night. According to Officer Tomlinson, Gritton was shooting at his brother, Gene Gritton. and Ross Warren, proprietor of the restaurant, but the shots went through the floor and counters, andedid three not strike charges: anyone. shooting with intent to kill, carrying concealed a deadly weapon and driving a car while intoxicated. Juveniles Arrested For Destroying Mail Two boys, one 12 and the other 14 years old, were arrested by County 1 Patrolman Elmer Warren Monday afternoon on charges of stealing and destroying mail from a box at the home of P.

C. Burruss on the Richmond pike. Patrolman Warren reported that the boys admitted taking mail from the box and destroying it. He said they also admitted destroying a set of false teeth found in the box. They were placed in the county detention home by order of County Judge W.

E. Former Bluegrass dent Passes Rel At Home In Suddenly Minneson Special The Leader here March 24 GEORGETOWN, St. Paul, of Silas at South night of the sudden death Monday man, Rogers, and 64, prominent came Kentucky. Rogers resident suddenly central former livestock and died a short time later. night ill at his be and with his parents Woodford county He was born in county where resided to when he went to St.

Paul. until 1908 ers home were was near Newtown Rog. parents Warren and His of Evans this Rogers, prominent county. residents Mr. Rogers livestock commission firm member the and Rogers Rogers He is by his Paul.

Mary Wigginton wife, Mrs. Silas and Creston Rogers; a two Warren T. Rogers, all of brother, Paul; four sisters, South St. Carrie Rogers, Georgetown; and and Mary Mrs. Rogers Maggie Clendenin, Rogers Lexington, West Palm Beach, the Miss First Bessie Rogers, National bank who with Miss Carrie Rogers, here, and the city school faculty, a member night for St.

Paul. Funeral left Monday ices will be held there Wednesday, Rites At Graefenburg For Mrs. Hallie Gross Special to The Leader LAWRENCEBURG, March 2 Gibbs Gross, 65, who for Mrs. Hallie home near Graefenburg died at her illness, were this after a long Graefenburg Baptist afternoon church. at at Burial was in the family vived Graefenburg.

her Mrs. Gross is surcemetery and a by brother, J. husband, H. Ben Gross, Gibbs. 666 SALVE COLDS LIQUID- -TABLETS price SALVE-NOSE DROPS 5c, 10c, 25c Specially Prepared Stoker COAL BLUE BEACON KENTUCKY JELLICO RED BIRD All First Quality Coals Fire Backs, Fire Brick a and Fire Clay Geo.

Land Bro. Have been serving the publie for the past 42 years-Try 275 PHONES 129 MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE! you buy General Motors Carl Want a new car this Spring? Here is the con- of your car in as short a period as possible- for that venient and economical way to buy it on is the cheapest way to buy any car on instalments. instalments. This plan makes it easy for you to figure and see for yourself, in advance, exactly what the Select the new General Motors car that fits your relative costs of various payment terms are. Come purpose- payment it with other plan on a dollars and cents purse and make the usual down then arrange your monthly payments of the pare any basis and be sure to include as complete insar balance on the General Motors Instalment Plan.

ance protection. This Plan enables dealers in General Motors Under the General Motors Instalment Plan you cars to arrange the monthly payments best suited receive a policy in General Exchange Insurance to your circ*mstances and the car you buy- Corporation, protecting new car against Fire, your whether the payments are $15, $20, $25, or any Theft, and Accidental Damage- including Collision other amount per month. Ask your dealer to show you how conveniently And this is important! Pay as much per month as the General Motors Instalment Plan can be made you can comfortably afford, and acquire ownership to fit your requirements and your pocketbook. GENERAL MOTORS INSTALMENT PLAN I Operated by General Motors Acceptance Corporation CHEVROLET CARS TRUCKS PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE BUICK LA SALLE CADILLAC Cre LO Fai Cop: were "not only in bad taste but entirely out of order." 1 Vincent said that under the budget bill "not a piece of paper, not a pencil, not a stamp can be purchased in my department without the consent of Dan Talbott." He said the governor told him, "I'll make Dan treat you right." but that he was "afraid" the bill would take away independence as a constitutional officer, In reply to a question by Senator Gilbert, Vincent said he did not believe a promise by the governor that the governor's emergency fund would be used to supplement his appropriation for costs of suits, if needed. "After this legislature adjourns," Vincent asserted, "that emergency fund ($150,000) won't last 30 Commissioner of Agriculture Garth K.

Ferguson, whose appropriations for departmental work and the Kenmore than $100,000, a Robert tucky State Fair were reduced by Webb, chairman of the state railroad commission, also addressed the senate, asking appropriations "that will let us operate efficiently." Ferguson said the appropriation for the state labor department, set at $12.000 compared with $18.000 last year, would only cover statutory salaries and leave $400 to pay expenses of four inspectors to cover the state. Senator John T. Murphy (D). Covtion was enough "to do the job ington, said. the present appropriavery well," and that its reduction to $12.000 would mean that employes "would simply sit around and draw their salaries." He declared he would insist on restoration to $18.000.

Vincent said he spoke in behalf of State Treasurer John E. Buckingham, Secretary State Charles D. Arnett. and State Superintendent Harry W. Peters.

He charged the governor with "splitting dimes" with the constitutional Danville Trade Body Installs Directors Special to The Leader DANVILLE, March new members of the board of directors of the Danville Chamber of Commerce were installed for threeyear terms Monday night. Those named at the annual dinner meeting March 17 and installed Monday night were: R. Kaufman, Add Lanier, Joe Frankel, George C. Harmon, Harry Briggs, George McRoberts and Homer Wray. Add Lanier' was named chairman of the committee to make recommenmations for officials for the forthcoming fiscal year.

Others on the committee include M. D. Spoonamore and Harry Briggs. Two of the principal objectives of the body for the year, it was decided, will be stimulation of retail sales and the promotion of a building program to combat the housing shortage existing in the city. Brides' Pageant Tonight.

Many persons from throughout central Kentucky are expected to attend the "Pageant of Brides" to be given at 8 o'clock tonight at the Christian church. Approximately, 25 wedding gowns, dating 128 years, will be exhibited during the program. wedding muge by Mrs. Roger Appropriate, Hicks, organist, Miss Lula Bates and David Welsh, violinists. and Mrs.

Hughes Jackson and Miss Loine Floyd, vocalists. Rowan Republicans Plan Two Meetings Special to The Leader MOREHEAD, March 24- There will be no precinct elections to elect precinct chairmen for the Republican party in Rowan county, J. A. Allen, chairman of the county committee, announced today in a letter to leading Republicans in Rowan. Mr.

Allen said that there will be a mass meeting of all Republicans in the courthouse at Morehead Saturday morning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of electing precinct chairmen. On the same day at 2 p. m. there will be a meeting of newly tion elected Republican county organizato elect delegates to attend the district meeting here March 30. The letters are being sent out by Charles E.

Jennings, county G. O. chairman. Danville Negroes Win High National Rating Epecial to The Leader DANVILLE, March 24-Members of the Bate Negro high school basketball team have returned from the National Negro Basketball Tournament held last week-end at Roanoke. Va.

The local aggregation coached by W. H. Goodwin, advanced to the semi-finals of the meet before losing Saturday afternoon to Clarksburg, W. 36 to 34. Davis.

member of the Bate high team, was named forward on the first All-American Negro High School Basketball team while Andrews, another Bate netter, received honorable mention. Holt Held In Madison For Automobile Theft Special to The Leader RICHMOND, March Otis Holt. 23, is in Madison county jail charged with stealing automobile belonging County Constable Bryan Kelly. The car stolen from where Kelly had parked it in front of the Lakeside restaurant on the Big Hill road, while the owner was asleep inside the building. Holt was arrested in Berea by Kelly and Patrolman Leonard Isaacs.

and the car was found abandoned on a side road near Berea. Women To Face Jury Mrs. James Atkinson, Doylesville, and her 13-year-old daughter, Evelyn, have been placed under bond to appear before the May grand jury in connection with an incest charge which has been placed against James Atkinson, woman's husband. The two women appeared in Judge Vernon Leer's office and stated that no one had tried to prevent their attending the examining trial here Friday. Evelyn Atkinson, who has charged her father with incest, and Mrs.

Atkinson, failed to appear when the examining trial was held. They had last been seen with Atkinson. The statement made by Mrs. Atkinson and her daughter cleared the man of any complicity in connection with their failure to appear at the preliminary hearing. Atkinson is being held under $4.000 bond.

Two Fined For Fighting John McQueen and James Whick- er. both of Richmond, were fined $5 and costs each after they had been found guilty of fighting with two truck drivers. Ed Overton and E. B. Hillerich, both of Covington, in Richmond police court.

The fight took place in front of the Dixie restaurant on east Main street. A third man, Harvey Keen, also of Richmond, who was arrested, wa3 dismissed. The two truck drivers, arrested on charges of drunkenness, were dismissed. Mt. Sterling Man Held On Charge Of Forgery Special to The Leader MT.

STERLING, March Jimmy Colliver, this city, was arrested by Police Officer Virgil Browning and placed in jail on the charge of forgery. It was alleged that Colliver forged a check for $7.50 on the firm of Chenault and Howell, farming company, composed of C. C. Chenault Sr. and Harry F.

Rowell. The check was cashed by T. B. Jones of the J. C.

Penny store. When taken before County Judge Earl W. Senff Monday. Colliver and was placed in jail on pleaded guilty. waived examination! to await the action of the grand jury at the May term of Montgomery circuit court.

Colliver has served time in Houses of Reform and later was convicted in circuit court and served a term in the state reformatory. Club Sponsor of Dance A Leap Year dance willbe given in this city Friday night, March 27. Music will be furnished by a Morehead orchestra. hours will be from 10 to 2 o'clock. The dance is sponsored by the Woman's Club of Mt.

Sterling. Transylvania Club The Transylvania Glee Heard, Choral Club gave a concert at the First Christian church Sunday night, and following the concert the members of the club and Dr. and Mrs. E. W.

Delcamp were guests at a social given by the young people of the church. Montgomery Briefs Mrs. Alfred P. Jones and son, Bobby Jones, were in Lexington Saturday as guests of Mrs. Cary May, who entertained with a birthday party for her son, Bobby Carl May, one year Charles D.

Grubbs, attorney and banker, who has been suffering seven weeks with a broken arm and shoulder, is able to be out and is getting along Adelaide Gay. who has been ill in St. Joseph's hospital. Lexington, for two weeks, has recovered sufficiently to be brought home and is resting easily. Three Students Named To Law Journal Staff Bert N.

Combs, Manchester: Joseph S. Freeland, and Sam Milner, Paris, have been appointed student members of the editorial staff of the Kentucky Law Journal. official publication of the Kentucky State Bar Association. it was announced today by Prof. Roy Moreland, of the law college at the University of Kentucky.

Only students making a standing of 2.0 or better are eligible for appointment. BABY CHICKS- -Best breeds. egg, meat Also cus. tom hatching. Get prices.

(C. C. 441). KENTUCKY HATCHERY, 335 W. Fourth.

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Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.